The interactive installation “Cyberbase” consists of a tape art, light and sound projection onto it. The artwork depicts Van Gogh living in a modern world and endowed with modern capabilities. Van Gogh has a cyber implant in place of a severed ear and a modified arm, smokes a vaporizer that reflects his wellbeing.
The City on the background: The artwork is a physical tape art interpretation of the virtual Cyberbase, which is created by artist Aetherways in virtual reality, presented on the opposite side of our room in Game Over Berlin. The city was created with the mood and neon colors of modern night Tokyo with elements of Cyber reality. The animated projection for the installation will be created by the artist Tiziano Mirabella.

A viewer can communicate with the installation by pressing the buttons on the floor embedded in the image of the microchip with hands. By clicking on parts of the microchip (made with cooper tape, viewer can turn on individual parts of the installation, light-sound projection is launched and feel involved in the reality of this created city and can also communicate with the portrait of Van Gogh. The installation prepares you to enter virtual reality additionally, allowing the use of different senses, not just vision.